I accompanied Stephen up to St John's Health Club (where he is a member)...along with alot of other hobbling people, for a class on what to expect during surgery...the hospital stay...and when he arrives back home!

Stephen couldn't take his eyes off this apparatus.....it's called a "walker"!!! They are sending one home from the hospital with him!!! There's got to be a way to make the walker easier on the eye? Paint? Baseball stickers?
The Nurse said that his walker would be his best friend!!!

The class was really informative! The more you know the better off you'll be....when it comes to ANYTHING in life... KNOWLEDGE is power! Sooooooooo a week from today (June 29th) dear Stephen will have a brand new left knee! Yeah!
Did Ya Know....a replacement knee should last a good 15 years or more?
Did Ya Know...skin to skin, the surgery will take less than two hours?
Did Ya Know...when you come out of recovery they will have you start walking immediately?
Did Ya Know...Stephen is REALLY looking forward to just "WALKING" again!!!!!
Think good thoughts next Monday for our Dear Stephen!!! Thanks!!!!!!!!