"Be yourself.... everyone else is already taken."

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

So Many Very Sad Things Are Going On ... But I Will Look On The Bright Side Of Life!

Our sweet Petuka Scottie Dog is not doing well and this evening may be her last day with us until we join her in heaven! It has been a very sad couple of weeks and most of all we don't want our loving little Petuka Scottie dog to be in any pain, or to suffer in any way! Loosing a beloved pet is the most tragic thing for those who live with them every day.... ooh Petuka... we have loved you for almost 11 years, you are apart of us and always will be!
I love how when Megan came to visit us in Shell Beach, California and we found you in the Pet Store! Petuka was named after Tony Perez (his wife) Daddy has always named our pets after baseball players, you see! We played ball with you everyday, snuggled with you! You have been our friend and confidant and our love! You loved to chase the birds and the squirrels out back when we moved to Oklahoma! You went from frolicking on the beach to the midwest and never said a word....just because you loved us!
Petuka we love you so much! Our tears are because you are our sweet dog! We will cuddle with you tonight and dream of your youth and how you have loved US...... A man and women's best friend is Petuka Taylor!!!!!!!


hub of the house said...

oh mom.....how is she doing today now?

hub of the house said...

I am so sad