"Be yourself.... everyone else is already taken."

Monday, November 21, 2011

Check This Out If You Are Missing Friends & Family In Los Angeles!

The 100th Psalm, a Taylor family tradition......

We will be missing Megan this Thanksgiving but she has had the pleasure to be a part of a group of extraordinary friends that celebrate in a big time way each year! She brings Aunt Kathie's Yam (sweet potatoe) casserole which is always a big hit... when you come home with an empty dish, you know that old family recipes are the best ever! Once again she has been asked to recite the 100st Psalm! It's an old tradition in our family :) I highly recommend you all start doing the same!
Click the link below and enjoy... I wish I could be on this flight to be with Megan!


I really loved this video and I thank whom ever made it :) It really makes me want to hop on a plane to go back to from whence I came! To visit Megan & Zach, his family, our friends and our cousins etc.... Happy Thanksgiving everyone!

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