"Be yourself.... everyone else is already taken."

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Stephen Knees Advice!

Tricia Hall and Stephen chit chat about knees...

Friends Lynne Edwards and Mitch Rhyne weigh in on the topic!

Now that your eyes have re-adjusted..Our friends got pretty BLURRED when Stephen's impending knee operation came up in the conversation! All kidding aside...Stephen met with his doctor and his knee replacement surgery is scheduled for June 29th! However he is having second thoughts and seems to be seeking every one's advice! Lynne had her knee replaced over a year ago and Tricia's husband, Jerry had both knees replaced four years ago! Lynne's fiance (Sir Dr. Lawrence Mansur) a famous bone and joint doctor said, "Make sure you really want this, because there's no going back!!!" To knee or not to knee, that is the question!


hub of the house said...

so is he going to do it???

The Loving Wife said...

Like the pictures...every thing is still blurred! It has to be his call....

hub of the house said...

love you dad!